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About Me

Jason Jeong is a Product Executive at Ramsey Solutions, the home of the Ramsey Show, where he is helping the company serve more people through the RamseyTrusted program.

He was formerly the VP of Product for Surefire Local, a leading marketing technology company based in Tysons, VA. In 2016, Surefire Local acquired Promio, a company that he co-founded in 2011 and served as COO. He is focused on product management and marketing. He is particularly passionate about leadership development and believes that the greatest measure of success is being able to lead people so that they, in turn, are able to lead others.

Jason holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology while competing as a Division I varsity tennis player. He's currently hooked on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has been training for the last 5 years. He is a father to “Irish twin” boys and a magical daughter, and a husband to a wife who is like a pot of gold. They all live in the great city of Nashville, TN.

Here’s his path to Product Management:

  1. Tennis Coach

  2. Footwear & Apparel Startup

  3. Day Trader

  4. Mechanical Engineer – Industrial Food Processing Equipment

  5. Pastor

  6. Web Development – Freelance

  7. Digital Marketing Consulting – Solo Agency

  8. SaaS Startup Co-Founder & Head of Product – Marketing Automation Software

  9. Product Executive – Financial Education Company

Topics of Focus:

  • Executive Coaching || Digital Transformation, Product Leadership

  • Product Management || Product Leadership, Product Culture, Product Marketing, Product Culture, Leadership Development

  • Career || Startups, Career Transitions, Personal Development, Career Coaching

  • Personal || Marriage & Entrepreneurship, Intentional Parenting, Raising Young Athletes

Subscribe to Next Best Decision | Jason Jeong

A column for product leaders where you can get coaching about developing yourself, developing others, and leading teams.


Product Leader @RamseySolutions, Co-Founder & Successful Exit @Promio, Family Man, @GeorgiaTech #Tennis Has-Been, #BJJ Nut